About NDSU One Stop

We are here to serve your needs as a student in the form of a comprehensive website and at our service center location in the NDSU Memorial Union. The website ctjn.joker47.net/onestop has been designed to cater to students' hectic schedules by creating self-service pages for some of your most common queries in a online environment that is available 24/7. Currently, the One Stop website holds information for Registration and Records, Customer Account Services, and Financial Aid & Scholarships. As it evolves, the website will provide support from a broader base of offices, so you should continue to monitor these pages for changes.

Should the One Stop website not address a specific question you might have, you will be able to easily locate the One Stop service center in the NDSU Memorial Union where you will be able to talk face-to-face to the full-time staff members. The staff will be on-site during regular school hours and, sometimes, later as students' needs arise. In addition, there will be staff members standing by via phone and email if you are unable to make the trip to the Union for any reason.

One Stop Mission Statement:

With care and commitment, One Stop will serve the NDSU community in navigating the administrative processes of higher education.

One Stop Belief Statement:

We Believe with whole-hearted care, commitment and excellent customer service, One Stop will serve and impact the NDSU Community. We promise to provide all-encompassing knowledge of or related to the departments we represent. We believe by giving truthful information, guidance, and advocating for students, we empower students to problem solve independently.